
Dinis Nguenha

Dr. Dinis Nguenha is currently a Research Physician at Manhiça Health Research Center (Centro de Investigação em Saude de Manhiça, CISM), located in the southern region of Mozambique. CISM serves a catchment area with a high burden of infectious diseases such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis. As a Research Physician, his current responsibilities include staffing the pediatric ward of Manhiça District Hospital (HDM) as well as engaging in a variety of different research projects and clinical trials focused on diseases of poverty and low-resource settings. He currently leads and supervises a clinical study team that actively engages in the Ministry of Health, National Quality Improvement program and that promotes implementation science research in order to find practical evidence-based solutions to our most serious public health challenges. His particular research interests include the study of TB in a high burden HIV and HIV/TB co-infection setting. Currently, he coordinates all the clinical procedures of several ongoing TB research studies and clinical trials at CISM.